Often the best people help point you back inside
Back to yourself
Where your innate wisdom lies
Your own inner instructions
Where the answers are
Only looking outside for another to tell you what to do
Neglecting what your own source might be telling you
Will likely lead you astray
Or you are prone to following another’s path
That is not your own
This can come in many forms
Politicians, celebrities, patriarchal figures, religious figures, spiritual gurus and the like
Even scientists or people who follow very physical pathways
Thinking only the physical holds the answers
And not the emotional and spiritual
Or that indeed something divinely larger might be at play
People can provide guidance
As we can get very stuck sometimes
Unable to make decisions
Or connect in with what our own source might be telling us
They are guidance though
Which sometimes can be very helpful
If it is coming from the right place
The best guidance brings you back to yourself
Triggering you to find your truth
Or to see the truth
To see the reality for what it truly is
There is a resonance of something so deep
This kind of guidance
When shared
Is special
As it will truly build an army of sovereign warriors
Often people may tell us what to do
Even when we don’t ask for it
When you are connected in with your own truth
You won’t get swayed by them
And their projections
Which often come from what other people have told them to believe
Or their own negative patterns
Also from their own lack of being able to find their own answers
That are truly aligned with themselves, others and natures principles
If you end up listening to them
Doubting your own instructions
There may be repercussions
To your field
You are aligned with nature and the cosmos
Your instructions that are within are just as part of the outer
It is a reciprocal relationship
A communion
To see ourselves as separate
To not honour how we even came into being
How the universe carries us
Is foolish
Making decisions or choices isn’t always so black and white
Sometimes we just simply don’t know
We just have to do what we can in that moment
And course correct best we can if it wasn’t the best decision
And learn from it
But there are moments you just know
The decision is made
It is your own decision and not anyone else’s
No infiltrations
From outer sources
That is your innate intelligence speaking
Ultimately you are in control of your own reality
And no one else can do it for you
But help guide you back to you
Because when we finally listen to our own inner wisdom
Your own life force is unstoppable
Your light shining brightly
You become the most powerful sovereign being
Painting created by Kate Alexandra Priestley
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