There is an another reality that can be experienced
One that has been experienced before
And can come back again but with the new energies that are now present
That will come as we upgrade
Deep inside the Earth it hums
It’s reverberating tunes of deep knowledge
Calling you back
The frequencies are here present
Waiting for you to drink them in
To heal and rejuvenate you
To remind you that you are a child of this earth
Free of the AI influences
You are an organic organism
Full with the intelligence of life
With complex systems that work together
That will work harmoniously
When you get your own
And the earths frequencies straightened out
You feel your multidimensionalness
You dance with the song of the earth
Letting the beats move your body
The crickets chirping all around you
Hiding deep in the jungle teeming with life
The soft sand at your feet
The ocean lapping and dancing around your legs
The pitch blackness of the sky stretching forever above you
The stars dotted around twinkling
The moon luminous feeling ever so celestial
You look up at the stars
You feel you are home
There is a strong familiarity
That can go on for eons
You know you are more than just the life on this earth
You feel yourself as a cosmic interdimensional being
One with nature
And one with the cosmos
You know your sacred place in this universe
The universe holds you in its embrace
Saying welcome home
You sink deeper into your body and beyond
Every cell alive
The electricity running through your body
So much connectedness
This reality is waiting to be revived again
Vision of painting inspired nature sounds of this track:
Painting created by Kate Alexandra Priestley
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