Kate Alexandra Priestley

Clown Light

Clown light
Floating around
Like a jester
With its claws out
A shadow lurking
Without a body
Just a frequency
Trying to find a way in
Manipulating and bending our light
Causing a mirage
In our prism
Disembodied light
Foreign to Earth
Full of false smiles
Blinding colours
Fake promises
And bedazzlement
Expecting us to put on
Your clown make up
To perform
And be part of the show
Some puppeteers orchestrated
If we don’t obey
You ramp up the fear
Giving us a million excuses
Why we should be forced
To wear clown makeup
You think you’re so smart
But no more
Your clown light is leaking
The circus is up
We see you

Illustration by Kate Alexandra Priestley

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