The rock awaits
Amidst a wild waterfall
As your feet
Tentatively finds its solidness
The water confusing
Your sense of direction
As you feel pulled
With the cascade of emotions
Powerful wateriness
Suspended out of your body
You feel light headedness
Your being exposed to life itself
Yet you remain
On that unmoving rock
All around you
Emotions darting and dancing
Take a step
Onto that next rock
Turmoil roaring
But you are getting closer
Someone may help
Reaching out and pulling you
Or you may be alone
Trust in what nature decides for you
Fears rising up
Raw vulnerability bleeding
The next rock beckons
It won’t ever leave you
With some gauging
Calculating the next step
To the other side
You take the final leap and hop
The softness
Of dry grassy ground
Catches you
The flowers greeting you
The storm
Of your emotions
Like a mist
Left firmly behind you
Going on
Their own journey
Down into
The river they fall
Being led
To where they meet
The oceans
Of bright open expansiveness
Photo by Kate Alexandra Priestley