Kate Alexandra Priestley

We Are Living In A Dream We Need To Wake Up From

We arrive on this Earth
Thinking we are awake
But actually we are here
To wake up from a dream
We move through life
In trancelike states
Each living our own realities
Our own worlds
It is like a collision of micro worlds
In a macro world
We are tangled in many veils
Seeing ourselves as separate
From everyone and everything
Sometimes turning on one another
Pointing the finger
And seeing our identities, beliefs and thoughts
To be fully true
It’s all an illusion
Although a very real illusion
One you can even sometimes see, feel and touch
Yet it is malleable
It can easily turn to dust
And slip through your fingers
We get taken over by programs
That feel extremely real to us
That we perceive to be the truth
That feeds our parasite
They are not of this world
In this world
There are many interferences
And infiltrations
That are beyond what we can see on the 3D
Influences of technology
Things plugging you into the AI
Suggestions to our subconscious
And images we can get given
Throughout our entire lives
We can get taken so easily
One minute living one reality
And the next living another
As it finds our vulnerabilities
Our weak spots
It can find where it can latch on
Where you are willing to give your power away
And if you don’t have your wits about you
Not truly plugged into your own source
You can get ‘taken’
What blocks you from crossing that barrier
Between the illusion and truth
That is fear
That something has to die
In order for you to come forwards
They use that fear
To keep you under control
Use your inner eye
Use both your intuition
And your logic
It’s possible they can work together
Pierce through the illusion
See the programs for what they are
Find too what softens that cage
That you find yourself in
So you can breathe freely
And the barriers that separate us
Start melting away
As the cloud lifts
You wake up from your trance
And realise what a dream
You have been living through
What patterns that led you there
What stories you were attached to
And how everyone else
Has their own dream going on
Forgetting who they are
And who each other are
Penetrate the cloud
The fog that enshrouds your field
That causes mirages in your perception
Break it up
Let it diffuse
Collapse the dream
To get your dream
That’s longed for at a deep soul level
Under the many layers of realities
See the world
And each other
And ourselves
Down to the core
With fresh clear eyes

Illustration created by Kate Alexandra Priestley

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