I feel like every action I take is from a dream. A future my heart deeply desires so I already start the embodying process. Everyone is acting from a dream in every moment. As dreaming leads to reality. So if you want to choose a fear based world of suppression and control then that dream is what will become reality. But this is not coming from a place of pure love or from our source connection. We need to answer to something much deeper and truer than we have our entire lives.
Dreaming from the purity of the self is without agenda. Because it just is. It’s just you. Nothing is added. There is no manipulation of reality needed that comes from the mind as instead you dream from the deepest, purest part of you that flows directly from the universes current. Action from there arises spontaneously. When people start embodying that more then there won’t be a need for those agendas which only came about from the division and fracturing of the world and the human psyche. Agendas suggest we have different agendas. Or that there’s something that needs ‘solving’. Come back to the place where we are fully merged with the perfection of ourselves then the rest will naturally follow. With purity there is only the harmony and synergy of answering directly to ourselves, nature and the universe. From that inner place of the purest of dreams will they become a reality.
Image created by Kate Alexandra Priestley